A new generation of penguins has arrived at the Inbursa Aquarium! These six adorable feathered babies are now the stars of this underwater enclosure.
Known as the chilango penguins, this second generation of gentoo penguins were born in December 2024 at the Inbursa Aquarium.
Each of these adorable babies has unique characteristics, and you can learn more about their care and marvel at their development. The best part? You’ll be able to help name them and get to know them up close.
During your visit to the aquarium, you can participate in the special “Name a Penguin” activity, where you can suggest your favorite name and help the facility choose what each of these adorable baby gentoo penguins will be called.
How can you participate? You will have to buy your ticket and visit the Inbursa Aquarium. The general ticket costs $300 pesos and the aquarium can be found at Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 386, in Colonia Granada.
When you enter, you will find some mailboxes in the penguinarium, and here you can leave your name proposal for any of the baby penguins. The winning names will receive an Interaction with the Penguin they helped to name!
When will you be able to see the penguins at the Inbursa Aquarium?
It is important to know that the Penguin Interaction is not available at the moment, as the species is in breeding season and will be back in April 2025.
If you are a winner, you will be able to meet the penguin you named until April 2025. Didn’t win? Don’t worry, you’ll be able to interact with the penguins for a cost of $649 per person. This activity is available for ages 4 and up and children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.