No one is exempt from committing a civic or traffic infraction. However, complying with your sanction can now be for a good cause , because you can walk the dogs in the subway to pay your traffic fine!
The Government of the CDMX implemented this measure for people who already have fines, to pay them through support activities that ensure the welfare of the furry dogs of the Canine Transfer Center of the STC Metro.
The information was shared through the social networks of the Executive Directorate of Civic Justice, which explains the actions you can do to pay your fine while helping these furry ones, which are:
- Walk of lomitos
- Cleaning and maintenance of spaces where they are kept.
In order to pay your traffic or civic fine in this way you will have to register beforehand directly in the CDMX procedures page.
You must enter your license plate number and indicate the hours of your preference, since the volunteer service is available from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 12:00 to 16:00 hours.
Where do I go? At the facilities of the Canine Transfer Center, located at Av. de las Culturas, El Rosario, Azcapotzalco.
About the Canine Transfer Center
The STC Canine Transfer Center is a space designed for the integral care of dogs that are rescued on the tracks of the 12 lines that make up the Metro network.
Here the dogs receive veterinary medical attention and are then taken to the shelter. All the materials used to cure and care for these furry dogs are received through donations.
The best part? Through its social networks, the Metro publicizes the different dogs that are in the adoption process to find them a home where they will be cared for with love.
And it’s always a good time to donate to the furry ones who need it most! Here you will always be very grateful to receive donations such as:
- Food
- Collars
- Leashes
- Metal plates
- Cleaning products
- Toys
- Blankets
- Sweaters
- Baby socks
- Gauze
- Medicines
- Syringes
- Alcohol
- Cotton