We bring you all the details of the upcoming national drill 2024! Take note of the details so that this exercise doesn’t catch you off guard.
The National Coordination of Civil Protection announced through social networks that the next earthquake drill in Mexico will be on September 19 at 11:00 am. At that time the seismic alert will sound from the loudspeakers as part of this exercise.
In addition, the inhabitants of Mexico City and its suburbs will receive a text message with the new seismic alert.
What is known about the National Drill 2024?
On this occasion the hypothesis will be of a 7.5 earthquake, with epicenter in Guerrero.
As you know Mexico is a highly seismic country so, every year, several national drill are carried out in order to be prepared for a earthquake.
This exercise has different objectives such as informing the population, evaluating and improving the response capacity of emergency units, as well as designing evacuation routes, among others. That is why citizen participation is important, don’t forget to participate in this exercise!
Companies, offices, businesses and even homes can participate in the national drill. Remember that there must be a protection plan both at work and at home. Earthquakes are unpredictable, so they can happen at any time. We must always be prepared.
The drills also serve to verify the functioning of the seismic alert. If the loudspeaker closest to your location does not sound or has low sound, you can report it on C5 social networks, or by phone to 911 and Locatel.