The Azcapotzalco municipality is home to the first magic path of CDMX, which was inaugurated on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Check out how it looked and why it bears this name.
The first thing you need to know is that this path is part of a program called “Yólotl Anáhuac”, which seeks to intervene and rescue spaces of various native peoples of Mexico City.
In addition to rehabilitating and renovating public spaces, it seeks to show the history and traditions that exist in these original towns.
This is how the first magical path of CDMX was left.
This path is located in the town of San Juan Tlihuaca in the Azcapotzalco district. Although there is talk of a “road”, actions were carried out in all the streets of this area.
According to a press release, a total of 170 murals were painted and almost 5 thousand glyphs in relief with images of salamanders, hummingbirds, jaguars, flowers and corn, among others, were installed.
In addition, lighting was installed and sidewalks were rehabilitated. In this, as well as in the other original towns where magical paths will be installed, museums will be built to preserve and exhibit the traditions and customs of the area.
San Juan Tlihuaca was the first native town in CDMX to have a magic path; however, this initiative will be extended to other areas throughout the city in the future.