If you are passing through the Mexico City International Airport, don’t miss Chinita de mis amores! It is a giant catrina that was placed in the AICM. This piece is part of the Valley of Catrinas 2024, an event held in Atlixco where monumental pieces are exhibited during the Day of the Dead.
This work was created by artist Olivia Rodriguez, also known as Pilla Rojas. The skeleton represents a Pueblan Chinese woman. She is dressed with clothes and braided hair; carrying the colors of the Mexican flag.
In its lack you will be able to see an image of the virgin of Guadalupe. In addition, her bones are adorned with flowers, an element that distinguishes the artist. In an interview for Cinco Radio Comunicación Efectiva, Pilla Rojas said:
I based it on the feelings that cause me, or the emotion that cause me, the national holidays; like my flag, my green, white and red colors….
The catrina Chinita de mis amores will stay at the AICM until 📅 November 10. Yes, it will welcome tourists who visit us during the Day of the Dead season.
In addition to this piece, a monumental catrina was installed at the Felipe Angeles International Airport, AIFA. It is also part of the Valle de Catrinas 2024 festival and is called La Zócalera.
If you’ll be visiting any of these airports soon, take the opportunity to take pictures with one of these works. 💀