Movies, popcorn and pulque, what more could you ask for? Next Thursday, January 23rd, Nosferatu will be screened in the Historic Center of Mexico City. Space is limited, so take a look at the details to reserve your place.
The film to be presented is “Nosferatu”, by director F. W. Murnau. It was released in 1922 (more than 100 years ago) and follows the story of the real estate agent Hutter who, for work, travels to Transylvania and meets a count who is actually a vampire.
This show will be very special, as it will be in 3D. Don’t worry about the special glasses, they will be given to you at the venue.
Let’s go to see Nosferatu in the Historic Center
The film will be screened at the Museo del Pulque y las Pulquerías (Avenida Hidalgo 105, corner with Avenida Reforma, colonia Guerrero, alcaldía Cuauhtémoc). Admission will cost $180 per person and will include the screening as well as special glasses. You will also get a bag of popcorn and a jar of pulque or pulque ice cream (depending on your choice).
Space is limited so you need to register in advance. You must write by WhatsApp to the number: 55 4110 7660. You can reserve your place with $130 and pay the rest at the museum on the day of the screening.
It doesn’t matter that Halloween or Day of the Dead are still a long way off. It’s always a good time to see a horror movie, especially if it’s a classic film.